Research Grants and Awards
Our research has been/is funded by the following sponsors (indicated in alphabetical order) :
- Air Force Office of Scientific Research
- Arkansas Research Alliance
- Arkansas Science and Technology Authority
- Army Research Office
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
- Department of Defense (Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, VBFF)
- Department of Energy
- FLEET Strategic Research Seed Funding Program from Australia
- “Intel Corporation” in Research Grants and Awards
- National Science Foundation (CAREER, FRG, MRI, MRSEC, REU and regular awards)
- Office of Naval Research (Regular, DEPSCOR, DURIP and Center of Piezoelectrics By Design (CPD) awards)
- ORAU Ralph Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
- Petroleum Research Fund
- The Twenty-First Century Endowed Professor in Nanotechnology and Science Education, University of Arkansas