Computer facilities


Research Grants and Awards

Our research has been/is funded by the following sponsors (indicated in alphabetical order) :

  1. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
  2. Arkansas Research Alliance
  3. Arkansas Science and Technology Authority
  4. Army Research Office
  5. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
  6. Department of Defense (Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship, VBFF)
  7. Department of Energy
  8. FLEET Strategic Research Seed Funding Program from Australia
  9. “Intel Corporation” in Research Grants and Awards
  10. National Science Foundation (CAREER, FRG, MRI, MRSEC, REU and regular awards)
  11. NATO
  12. Office of Naval Research (Regular, DEPSCOR, DURIP and Center of Piezoelectrics By Design (CPD) awards)
  13. ORAU Ralph Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
  14. Petroleum Research Fund
  15. The Twenty-First Century Endowed Professor in Nanotechnology and Science Education, University of Arkansas